Big Bro Soccer Terms and Conditions

Big Bro Soccer Terms and Conditions

1. Acceptance of Terms

Participation in any Big Bro Soccer event constitutes a binding agreement to these terms and conditions. By registering a team, the team captain accepts these terms and conditions on behalf of all team members and any additional players registered throughout the season. Electronic registration or participation in a match implies consent to these terms.

2. Player Conduct and Safety

  • Safety First: Player safety is our top priority. All participants must play in a manner that ensures the safety of themselves and others. Any dangerous play or behavior that jeopardizes safety will not be tolerated.
  • Fair Play: We promote a spirit of sportsmanship and fair play. Cheating, aggressive behavior, or unsportsmanlike conduct is strictly prohibited and may result in disciplinary action, including suspension or expulsion from the league.
  • Health and Fitness: Participants should ensure they are in good health and physically fit to play. Pre-existing medical conditions should be communicated to our team before participation.
  • Reporting Injuries: Players must report any injuries sustained during a match to Big Bro Soccer officials immediately.

3. Match Recordings and Media

  • Professional Recording: All matches are professionally recorded to enhance the player and spectator experience. These recordings are used for match analysis, highlights, and promotional content.
  • Consent to Record: By participating, you consent to being recorded. These recordings may feature your image and likeness and can be used across Big Bro Soccer’s digital platforms, including YouTube and Instagram.
  • Data Protection: Big Bro Soccer will store and use recorded data in compliance with applicable data protection laws. Participants’ data will be protected and not misused.
  • Content Use: Big Bro Soccer retains the right to use all recorded content for promotional and commercial purposes. Participants waive any rights to compensation for the use of their images in these recordings.

4. Liability

  • Assumption of Risk: By participating, players acknowledge the inherent risks associated with playing football and agree to participate at their own risk. Big Bro Soccer is not liable for any injuries or damages that occur during matches or events.
  • Waiver of Liability: Participants agree to release Big Bro Soccer from any claims related to injuries or damages incurred during participation.
  • Indemnification: Players agree to indemnify and hold harmless Big Bro Soccer from any claims arising out of their participation.
  • Insurance: Players are encouraged to have personal health and injury insurance. Big Bro Soccer does not provide insurance coverage for participants.

5. Registration and Fees

  • Registration Process: All participants must complete the registration process and pay the associated fees before playing. This ensures smooth operation and helps maintain the quality of our services.
  • Fee Policy: Registration fees are non-refundable, except in special circumstances, which will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
  • Payment Methods: Accepted payment methods and associated terms (e.g., deadlines, late fees) will be communicated during the registration process.

6. League Structure and Rules

  • Compliance: All players must adhere to the official league rules, which are provided at the start of the season and available on our website. These rules are designed to ensure fair and consistent play.
  • Rule Changes: Big Bro Soccer reserves the right to change rules and regulations as necessary. Participants will be notified of any changes.

7. Code of Conduct

  • Respect: All players, officials, and spectators are expected to treat each other with respect. Discrimination, harassment, or abusive behavior of any kind will not be tolerated.
  • Zero Tolerance: We have a zero-tolerance policy towards violence, whether physical or verbal. Any breach of this policy will result in immediate disciplinary action.
  • Specific Examples: Prohibited behaviors include but are not limited to: aggressive physical contact, derogatory language, and any form of intimidation.
  • Reporting Mechanism: Violations of the code of conduct should be reported to Big Bro Soccer officials immediately for appropriate action.

8. Captain's Responsibility

  • Acceptance on Behalf of Team: By registering a team, the captain accepts these terms and conditions on behalf of all team members and any additional players registered throughout the season.
  • Team Compliance: The captain is responsible for ensuring team compliance with all Big Bro Soccer rules and policies.
  • Liability for Team Actions: The captain may be held accountable for the actions of their team members.

9. Amendments

Big Bro Soccer reserves the right to amend these terms and conditions at any time. Participants will be notified of significant changes via email or updates on our website. Changes will take effect immediately upon notification.