Big Bro Soccer: Code of Conduct Policy

1. Policy Statement

At Big Bro Soccer, we are committed to promoting an environment of fair play, respect, and sportsmanship for all players, staff, referees, volunteers, and spectators. Our Code of Conduct ensures that everyone involved in the league behaves in a manner that upholds the integrity of the game, the safety of participants, and the values of our community.

We expect all individuals associated with Big Bro Soccer to conduct themselves with honesty, respect, and courtesy, both on and off the pitch. This Code of Conduct applies to all matches, events, training sessions, and Big Bro Soccer-affiliated activities.

2. Applicability

This policy applies to:

  • Players: All registered players in the league, including substitutes and guest players.
  • Coaches & Managers: Those responsible for training, guiding, and managing teams.
  • Referees & Match Officials: Responsible for overseeing matches and enforcing league rules.
  • Staff & Volunteers: Individuals working for or representing Big Bro Soccer.
  • Spectators: Anyone attending a Big Bro Soccer match or event.

3. Key Principles of Conduct

3.1. Respect for Others

  • Players: Treat fellow players, opponents, referees, coaches, and spectators with respect and dignity at all times. Abuse, harassment, or discriminatory language or behavior will not be tolerated.
  • Staff, Coaches & Volunteers: Demonstrate respect toward all participants, regardless of their ability, background, or personal circumstances. Lead by example and promote a culture of fairness and inclusion.
  • Spectators: Show respect for all players, officials, and other spectators, and refrain from unsportsmanlike behavior or offensive language.

3.2. Fair Play & Sportsmanship

  • Players: Play the game with a focus on fair play. Respect the rules, decisions made by referees, and the principles of the sport. Winning at all costs is discouraged—sportsmanship is key.
  • Referees & Match Officials: Ensure that all matches are conducted according to league rules, and decisions are made impartially and fairly.
  • Coaches & Managers: Encourage fair play, teamwork, and respect for all. Coaching should focus on player development and promoting positive behavior on and off the pitch.

3.3. Safe Play & Welfare

  • Players: Prioritize safety and avoid dangerous or reckless play. Respect the physical and emotional well-being of others.
  • Staff & Coaches: Maintain a duty of care for all players, ensuring that games, training, and events are conducted in a safe environment. Take precautions to reduce the risk of injury and ensure that players are given appropriate rest when needed.
  • Referees: Enforce rules in a manner that protects the safety of all participants.

3.4. Equality & Inclusion

  • Big Bro Soccer is committed to promoting equality and inclusion. Discrimination, bullying, or harassment of any kind—whether on the basis of race, gender, disability, sexual orientation, religion, or any other characteristic—is strictly prohibited.
  • Everyone involved in the league is expected to champion diversity and ensure that Big Bro Soccer remains a welcoming environment for all players and participants.

4. Responsibilities of Players

All players in Big Bro Soccer leagues must:

  • Arrive on time for matches, training, and events, properly prepared and ready to play.
  • Respect referees' decisions at all times, regardless of personal opinions.
  • Avoid violent conduct or unsporting behavior, including deliberate fouls, verbal abuse, or taunting.
  • Maintain a positive attitude, even when facing challenging or difficult situations in matches.
  • Promote team spirit and support fellow teammates, avoiding blame or negativity during matches.
  • Report any breaches of the Code of Conduct to coaches, referees, or Big Bro Soccer staff if necessary.

5. Responsibilities of Coaches & Team Managers

Coaches and team managers are expected to:

  • Encourage positive behavior in players and promote a culture of respect, teamwork, and fair play.
  • Lead by example, ensuring that their own behavior aligns with the principles outlined in this Code of Conduct.
  • Provide guidance and support to players, especially in moments of conflict or frustration.
  • Ensure the safety and welfare of players at all times, taking immediate action if an incident arises.

6. Responsibilities of Referees & Match Officials

Referees and match officials must:

  • Enforce league rules fairly and impartially, without bias or favoritism.
  • Maintain control of the game and address inappropriate behavior immediately.
  • Prioritize player safety, stopping play when necessary to prevent injury or conflict.
  • Communicate effectively with players, explaining decisions clearly to promote understanding.

7. Responsibilities of Spectators

Spectators attending Big Bro Soccer events must:

  • Encourage players by providing positive and constructive support.
  • Refrain from offensive language, abusive behavior, or disruptive actions that detract from the enjoyment of the game.
  • Respect the decisions made by referees and match officials, avoiding negative commentary or criticism.
  • Celebrate diversity within the league and show respect for all participants, regardless of team affiliation.

8. Consequences of Breach

Failure to adhere to this Code of Conduct may result in disciplinary action, including:

  • Warnings: Verbal or written warnings for minor breaches.
  • Suspension: Temporary suspension from matches or events.
  • Expulsion: Permanent removal from Big Bro Soccer leagues for serious or repeated violations.
  • Reporting to Authorities: In cases involving illegal behavior or severe misconduct, Big Bro Soccer may report incidents to the relevant authorities.

9. Reporting Misconduct

Big Bro Soccer encourages players, staff, and spectators to report any incidents of misconduct or behavior that violates this Code of Conduct. Reports can be made to:

  • Referees or match officials during games.
  • Coaches or team managers.
  • Big Bro Soccer staff members via the league website or in-person at events.

All reports will be handled confidentially, and Big Bro Soccer is committed to investigating all complaints thoroughly and fairly.

10. Conclusion

At Big Bro Soccer, it’s more than a game. We believe in the power of football to bring people together and promote values of fair play, respect, and community spirit. This Code of Conduct is designed to ensure that every participant in our leagues—whether player, coach, referee, volunteer, or spectator—upholds these values and helps create a positive, inclusive footballing environment.

Annual Review

This Code of Conduct will be reviewed annually to ensure that it remains effective and in line with the evolving needs of the league.